Profess the Christian faith? Prophesy is unfolding! Info difficult for most to accept:
As predicted in biblical prophesy and the prophesies of various saints and church approved Marian apparitions, Satan would be let loose and have full reign in the world, which God allowed in order to 'separate the wheat from the chaff' those who really love God and are faithful to Him and weed out the lukewarm 'believers' and those who turn their back on God. ( Our Lord was very specific, that very few would be saved in the end-times, like the days of Noah. ) The evil in the world, including the media which pollutes young minds from the earliest age, and all the technological worldly distractions have quickly caused most in the world to give not a second thought about their Creator. So few are willing to turn away from the temptations of the world for love of God, to lose their life in order to gain it. Ironically one of the most grave prophesies comes from St. Francis ( and you know where I'm going with this! ) Here is the prophesy:
Dire Warning of the Apostasy of the Church & Pope: The End Times Prophecy of St. Francis of Assisi:
The Masonic and Talmudic forces of antichrist ( remember Our Lord's words regarding 'the synagogue of satan, who claim they are jews but are not.." ) attempted to slowly rid the world of the Real Christ and His Church. At the end, there would be such a small remnant of true faithful on earth. ( Our Lord even said will He in fact find any faith on earth! )
The secular state of "Israel" is NOT the true Israel of God, explained in detail here: …
As it is with all gentiles, all Jews must seek out the True Israel of God & accept Jesus Christ as their Lord & Savior!
My Savior Jesus Christ was a Semite, so none of this below is Antisemitism, it is however Zionism that is against true Jewish teaching, and Talmudic Judaism is anti-Christ in the most evil way:
The Truth About The Talmud:
Talmudic Judaism is truly the "synagogue of Satan"
"I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you." Revelation 3:9
More on the Zionist secular state of "Israel" here:
Jews speaking out against the Zionist New World Order forces of Antichrist:
-Zionists Betrayed Non-Z Jews to Holocaust
What do most Torah based Jews think of Zionism & the modern secular state named 'Israel'?
Many who claim true Jewish heritage are in fact converted Jews, not Levitical: … Many also reject true Torah teaching! So many "Jews" are in fact atheist in their beliefs & face eternal separation from God, as do all who reject Him!
Many Jews however avoid the evils of the Talmud, as we see in Karaite Judaism here: …
Here now is a well done 4 part video regarding end-times and the New World Order:
So, end time events unfolded over time of course, finally resulting in the usurping of the Catholic Church in the 1960s by the masonic forces resulting in the Vatican II protestant church and the end-times Antipopes ( they only use the name 'catholic' - they are no longer Catholic! )
The Masonic plan to infiltrate the Catholic Church here: …
Papal Condemnations of Freemasonry here:
The Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Nature of the Novus Ordo Service: Why the 'Catholic' Church is now Protestant
In order for a 'desolating sacrilege' to occur ( as mentioned in Matthew 24 ) there had to be a non-desolating Holy offering to God. The levitical priesthood of the OT was replaced by the priesthood of the NT church age, the animal sacrifices replaced by the Spotless Perpetual Holy Offering of the Catholic Eucharist, the Blessed Sacrament where Christ Himself unites in perfect communion, His body, blood, soul, and divinity with those who love Him and receive Him literally. What a beautiful gift for the true faithful belonging to His church! He said it is real food and real drink! Protestants of course don't believe this - all protest-ants actually walk away from Christ, His church and teachings. Example: Book of John 6:66 - there are NO coincidences with God! - The lack of belief in transubstantiation. The spirit of Antichrist makes them walk away!
More on that here: …
Even those in the now protestant Vatican II 'catholic' church! They say they believe with their lips, but the new 'novus ordo' false mass that apes the Martin Luther service ( a satanic deception ) proves otherwise, sadly. Many links here:
Who's Been Changing The Inside of Roman Catholic Churches? And Why?
-Abomination of Communion in the Hand and the Novus Ordo:
The End-times Great Apostasy ( the 'falling away' in scripture ):
Yes, Christ died on the cross as the perfect sacrifice for all time, but only the faithful in the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church He established on earth ( not thousands of false churches created by men all preaching different doctrines ) were able for the last 2000 yrs to participate at the foot of the cross and receive the outpouring of His blood sacrament that provided true extraordinary graces for them to endure to the end, aiding them to avoid the temptations of the world. The end-times 'falling away' however has occurred, the apostasy, because so many became lukewarm toward God. We are to love Him with all our heart and soul and mind! So God ended the spotless perpetual offering. The 'desolating sacrilege' of the protestantized 'catholic mass' was the abomination that caused desolation of the Real presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Graces for the remnant faithful come now from obedience and adherence to the true Faith, turning to Him as the Divine priest and confessor, and 'fleeing to the hills' as mentioned in scripture, avoiding the false 'catholic' 'novus ordo' new order mass ( no coincidence it is called this - attached with the new world order forces of Satan! ) More here:
The End of Times Reality: Cessation of the Continual Sacrifice:
Laypersons administering 'sacraments':
Even some 'traditionalist' Catholics defiantly reject the teaching of the Church and Popes regarding the grave end-times situation we now face, and refuse to take seriously the reality of the abomination that caused the desolation of the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Eucharist, that the Holy Sacrifice has ceased:
I will remind those who scoff at the Catholic Mass and the Eucharist: Satanists have gone to great lengths in the past to desecrate these Holy hosts! They certainly believe in the Real Presence, I assure you! We are in end-times now, and this is a warning to all people! You've heard of the saying 'the sins of the father.." well, most souls on earth have either been raised in unbelieving households or raised in the the homes of false religions, false 'christianity', or the abolished OT religion that was replaced by the Messiah's new covenant! Most souls will be, as a result, separated from God for eternity. Few accept the true Faith and pass the Truth to their offspring. God allowed all except 8 people to perish in Noah's time ( don't know what the world's pop. was back then ) but adjust the ratio with today's pop. and it will still be a very small number sadly ). That is reality. And eternity is a very long time. Some add'l reading for you regarding what you need to know in order to avoid the fateful judgement on your knees before the Real Jesus Christ, not a false one preached by false teachers ( including those of the false Vatican II 'catholic' church):
May God lead you to the Light of Truth!
As predicted in biblical prophesy and the prophesies of various saints and church approved Marian apparitions, Satan would be let loose and have full reign in the world, which God allowed in order to 'separate the wheat from the chaff' those who really love God and are faithful to Him and weed out the lukewarm 'believers' and those who turn their back on God. ( Our Lord was very specific, that very few would be saved in the end-times, like the days of Noah. ) The evil in the world, including the media which pollutes young minds from the earliest age, and all the technological worldly distractions have quickly caused most in the world to give not a second thought about their Creator. So few are willing to turn away from the temptations of the world for love of God, to lose their life in order to gain it. Ironically one of the most grave prophesies comes from St. Francis ( and you know where I'm going with this! ) Here is the prophesy:
Dire Warning of the Apostasy of the Church & Pope: The End Times Prophecy of St. Francis of Assisi:
The Masonic and Talmudic forces of antichrist ( remember Our Lord's words regarding 'the synagogue of satan, who claim they are jews but are not.." ) attempted to slowly rid the world of the Real Christ and His Church. At the end, there would be such a small remnant of true faithful on earth. ( Our Lord even said will He in fact find any faith on earth! )
The secular state of "Israel" is NOT the true Israel of God, explained in detail here: …
As it is with all gentiles, all Jews must seek out the True Israel of God & accept Jesus Christ as their Lord & Savior!
My Savior Jesus Christ was a Semite, so none of this below is Antisemitism, it is however Zionism that is against true Jewish teaching, and Talmudic Judaism is anti-Christ in the most evil way:
The Truth About The Talmud:
Talmudic Judaism is truly the "synagogue of Satan"
"I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you." Revelation 3:9
More on the Zionist secular state of "Israel" here:
Jews speaking out against the Zionist New World Order forces of Antichrist:
-Zionists Betrayed Non-Z Jews to Holocaust
What do most Torah based Jews think of Zionism & the modern secular state named 'Israel'?
Many who claim true Jewish heritage are in fact converted Jews, not Levitical: … Many also reject true Torah teaching! So many "Jews" are in fact atheist in their beliefs & face eternal separation from God, as do all who reject Him!
Many Jews however avoid the evils of the Talmud, as we see in Karaite Judaism here: …
Here now is a well done 4 part video regarding end-times and the New World Order:
So, end time events unfolded over time of course, finally resulting in the usurping of the Catholic Church in the 1960s by the masonic forces resulting in the Vatican II protestant church and the end-times Antipopes ( they only use the name 'catholic' - they are no longer Catholic! )
The Masonic plan to infiltrate the Catholic Church here: …
Papal Condemnations of Freemasonry here:
The Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Nature of the Novus Ordo Service: Why the 'Catholic' Church is now Protestant
In order for a 'desolating sacrilege' to occur ( as mentioned in Matthew 24 ) there had to be a non-desolating Holy offering to God. The levitical priesthood of the OT was replaced by the priesthood of the NT church age, the animal sacrifices replaced by the Spotless Perpetual Holy Offering of the Catholic Eucharist, the Blessed Sacrament where Christ Himself unites in perfect communion, His body, blood, soul, and divinity with those who love Him and receive Him literally. What a beautiful gift for the true faithful belonging to His church! He said it is real food and real drink! Protestants of course don't believe this - all protest-ants actually walk away from Christ, His church and teachings. Example: Book of John 6:66 - there are NO coincidences with God! - The lack of belief in transubstantiation. The spirit of Antichrist makes them walk away!
More on that here: …
Even those in the now protestant Vatican II 'catholic' church! They say they believe with their lips, but the new 'novus ordo' false mass that apes the Martin Luther service ( a satanic deception ) proves otherwise, sadly. Many links here:
Who's Been Changing The Inside of Roman Catholic Churches? And Why?
-Abomination of Communion in the Hand and the Novus Ordo:
The End-times Great Apostasy ( the 'falling away' in scripture ):
Yes, Christ died on the cross as the perfect sacrifice for all time, but only the faithful in the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church He established on earth ( not thousands of false churches created by men all preaching different doctrines ) were able for the last 2000 yrs to participate at the foot of the cross and receive the outpouring of His blood sacrament that provided true extraordinary graces for them to endure to the end, aiding them to avoid the temptations of the world. The end-times 'falling away' however has occurred, the apostasy, because so many became lukewarm toward God. We are to love Him with all our heart and soul and mind! So God ended the spotless perpetual offering. The 'desolating sacrilege' of the protestantized 'catholic mass' was the abomination that caused desolation of the Real presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Graces for the remnant faithful come now from obedience and adherence to the true Faith, turning to Him as the Divine priest and confessor, and 'fleeing to the hills' as mentioned in scripture, avoiding the false 'catholic' 'novus ordo' new order mass ( no coincidence it is called this - attached with the new world order forces of Satan! ) More here:
The End of Times Reality: Cessation of the Continual Sacrifice:
Laypersons administering 'sacraments':
Even some 'traditionalist' Catholics defiantly reject the teaching of the Church and Popes regarding the grave end-times situation we now face, and refuse to take seriously the reality of the abomination that caused the desolation of the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Eucharist, that the Holy Sacrifice has ceased:
I will remind those who scoff at the Catholic Mass and the Eucharist: Satanists have gone to great lengths in the past to desecrate these Holy hosts! They certainly believe in the Real Presence, I assure you! We are in end-times now, and this is a warning to all people! You've heard of the saying 'the sins of the father.." well, most souls on earth have either been raised in unbelieving households or raised in the the homes of false religions, false 'christianity', or the abolished OT religion that was replaced by the Messiah's new covenant! Most souls will be, as a result, separated from God for eternity. Few accept the true Faith and pass the Truth to their offspring. God allowed all except 8 people to perish in Noah's time ( don't know what the world's pop. was back then ) but adjust the ratio with today's pop. and it will still be a very small number sadly ). That is reality. And eternity is a very long time. Some add'l reading for you regarding what you need to know in order to avoid the fateful judgement on your knees before the Real Jesus Christ, not a false one preached by false teachers ( including those of the false Vatican II 'catholic' church):
May God lead you to the Light of Truth!
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