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The Book of John 6:66 -The Spirit of Antichrist - Most on earth now deny the real Christ and His Holy teachings!
Also, the Abomination that Caused Desolation/Desolating Sacrilege Explained.
I share this with love and compassion, yet with great sorrow, knowing most souls will perish, billions who consider themselves Christian are not grafted to the Vine of Life. Almost everyone on earth refuses to take the words of Our Lord and Savior seriously – He was very clear: the end time will be exactly as it was in Noah’s day. How many were saved at that time? How many perished? Yet virtually every soul on earth today rejects Christ’s sobering words. May God have mercy on poor souls, truly.

Pray for discernment, use the common sense God has blessed you with, then please read the following:

First: The Book of John 6:66 -The Spirit of Antichrist Explained:
( The Abomination that Caused Desolation/Desolating Sacrilege - Explained in 2nd part below )
The Bible: John 6:66 - is No Coincidence! - after Christ spends much time explaining transubstantiation - the Holy Eucharist - the followers who did NOT believe WALKED AWAY FROM CHRIST- the spirit of anti-Christ. It is ironic, because even satanists believe in the power of God in the Holy Eucharist. They have traditionally tried very hard to get hold of consecrated hosts in order to desecrate them. Remember too John 3:16 ( If you believe in Him you will have everlasting life. ) Well even the demons believe in Him and tremble, so believing in Christ means believing & being faithful to His teachings! If you do not believe Christ's teachings you are anti-Christ not pro-Christ obviously. Regarding the Holy Eucharist/Transubstantiation, He said you have NO LIFE IN YOU if you do not believe!

Here are direct quotes from Jesus Christ, the one you claim is your Savior:
"Whoever eats this bread will live forever."
“Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you."
Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day."

Doesn't get more direct that that! Again, remember John 6:66 mentioned above! This denial includes virtually all protest-ants. Another example, Luther rejected scripture, James 2:24, and created the "faith alone" "sola fide" false doctrine, deceiving so many souls. He created the false "bible alone" "sola scriptura" doctrine too. The irony here is important to understand: he directly contradicts his bible alone doctrine by rejecting it in James 2:24!
In 1 Timothy 3:15 we read it is in fact "the Church of the living God" which is "the pillar and foundation of the TRUTH." So God directly tells us in scripture that the bible alone doctrine is false, that it is HIS Church which is the source of TRUTH! No wonder Reformation Day has been traditionally celebrated on Oct.31, the day he publicly rebelled against God. Satan was pleased. With God, there are no coincidences!

Christ established one church ONLY, why? Because He is Merciful & Just! It is to prevent false teaching/false doctrine from individuals who think they are being guided by the Holy Spirit ( they are not ) and start "preaching" or establishing their own "churches", deceiving so many. Christ recognizes and feeds HIS sheep only! That is the CRITICAL point which all false "christians" need to comprehend! Again, God gave us common-sense, yet He warned that most would not choose the narrow road, and with itchy ears be deceived by false teachers. It is in 2 Timothy 4:3 Here is the quote:
"For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires."

Abomination that Caused Desolation/Desolating Sacrilege:

The Holy Catholic church, of course, believes Christ's teaching, the church headed by Peter, the first Pope. HOWEVER, biblical prophesy is unfolding before our very eyes! The end times Abomination, the Desolating Sacrilege, mentioned in scripture, that caused desolation of the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist is occurring NOW! The Vatican II church and a protestant "mass", a Luther-like service actually ( they profess with their lips they believe, but their actions speak loud; they turned their backs to God - literally ) calling itself "catholic" in NAME ONLY is part of the NWO end times unfolding - it is why the new false "mass" is referred to as the "Novus Ordo" ( new order ). A result of world wide sacrileges toward Our Lord's Body & Blood, He has most mercifully ended the sacrifice. This end time Catholic event parallels the end to Jewish animal blood sacrifices and destruction of the tempIe.

Christ promised to be with His bride, the Church, until the end. She is NOT the buildings that have been usurped by the apostate "believers", She IS His sheep, and He will be with the remnant few until the end. Christ said it will be like the time of Noah - FEW will be saved, NOT hundreds of millions of false protestant "christians", and now sadly this includes the members of the "Novus Ordo" sect, AND Sedevacantist Traditional "Catholics", who like all orthodox sects, separate themselves from the Holy Catholic Church, setting up popeless churchs with invalid "sacraments" & latin "masses", thus separating themselves from the Vine of Life also. Just as few were saved in Noah's time, only VERY FEW traditional Catholics will recognize that the abomination has occurred. We are currently enduring - faithfully, obediently, and encouraged with joy in our hearts - the Passion of the Bride, suffering with Our Lord and Savior until our redemption. He is our divine confessor, He is with us always!

Here's more info: 
More on the Abomination that caused Desolation of the Real Presence Worldwide:
Is Protestantism Biblical?


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